Funding for Innovation

We are proud to work with the following organizations. Thanks to these collaborations we continue to create innovative water and solar technologies. 

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Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, we are grateful to work with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to develop technologies for rural areas across the globe. The MassCEC has awarded a series of grants for research and development and through employment opportunities in order to help scale our business. Additionally, they have helped to connect us with inspiring and knowledgeable mentors in the industry, giving crucial feedback for the development of a sustainable business.


The City Of Somerville

We are excited to announce our collaboration with the City of Somerville. In February 2018, we moved our global headquarters to Somerville, MA. Additionally, we received a grant from the city to help finalize the R&D needed for our US model (now available for purchase!). As a direct result, primary schools in Puerto Rico now have a resilient supply of clean water and solar energy.